Closed doors

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (REVELATION 3: 20) This passage provides a rich and perplexing scene. A passage often quoted out of context as though Jesus were standing outside the closed heart of one who does not believe. But in fact, Jesus knocks on the door of HIS house, a house that belongs to Him and bears His name. 
Somehow it just happens. We never intended to close the door. The door slowly turned on its hinge, perhaps blown by the rush of our activity, and we didn’t even notice the once open door was closed. 
Momentum continued and so we didn’t notice the closed door. Success according to our definition continued and so we never noticed the disconnect. We kept working, giving ourself more fully to the work, never slowing to consider the sense of inner despair growing within us. 
Upon further reflection, we know it didn’t just happen. It never just happens. We choose to not choose. We kept acting, attaining, achieving, assuming we just need to redoubled our efforts.
And so the closed door separates us from life and we grow cold, hard and closed. 

Yet, He knocks on closed doors.
He has not abandoned those he loves. 

He has not left us to our own. 

His compassion continues. 

His mercy rise new with each new dawn.

Only when we pause, rest, reflect do we see the closed door, hear the gentle knock and feel our emptiness. Emptiness from our busyness. 

His knock calls us into relationship. Share a meal. Be still. Enjoy being more than doing.